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Friday, March 30, 2012

Drum Overhead Techniques

Great article i passed today. I think I read it many years ago too, but it does a good job of describing different overhead drum techniques with sound examples.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fixed knobs in Audio Studio

The lowest frequency selection switch on the Chandler Curvebender and the gain control on the Mercury M72 preamp have been fixed. Thank Dave for those two!

Channel 20 in Audio Studio

Channel 20 in the Audio Studio is on the fritz. It makes lots of random crackling noises. We'll troubleshoot and likely swap out the channel as soon as we can. For now, I'd recommend muting the channel and not using it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Bad Channels in EMS B

There are 3 fader 1 channels in EMS B that do not work as expected. They are channels 2, 22 and 27. Channels 2 and 22 have gone bad at the EQ. If you bypass the console EQ, you will gain access to these channels again. You can do this by simply pressing the blue "byp" button underneath the EQ. Further troubleshooting needs to happen on channel 27.

Audio Studio Checklist

As more users become certified in the Audio Studio, there has been many studio shutdown errors. To help everyone remember what needs to get done before leaving the room, I have provided a checklist. It is taped to the table right next to the computer monitors. It is also provided below.